Suggestions for Parents

HELPFUL Suggestions & Resources for Parents 
For more details about any of the following resources, call 877-HERO-877 or email the front office. 
  1. Don’t hesitate to contact your loved one’s Clinician whenever you have questions or concerns.  Your son’s Clinician can give specific guidance and offer suggestions for you and your family. Your interaction and insight into your child’s (hereafter referred to as “Warrior”) progress can be extremely valuable in tailoring their treatment. Find Clinician info here. 
  1. Consult with More Safe Mark: Our tech-safety expert can help remotely over the phone or come to your home. Mark will do a current system check and recommend what types of routers, blockers and protections would be best for your family, if needed. He can also install blocking systems for you or walk you through it. He is “more safe” for his skill and knowledge with safety consulting, but he is also part of our company and understands addiction issues and the feelings of a tender parent wanting to protect their family. Ask Mark about Router Limits 
  1. Valuable PARENT TRAINING for parents with youth in the Sons of Helaman or Daughter’s of Light programs.  Please listen to the 4 - Parent Training Session Recordings (1hr each) and Parent Orientation Video (90 min) The Trainings and Orientation will give you an overview of the principles taught in the Sons of Helaman and Daughters of Light programs.  Our Research shows youth have greater success when Parents learn and understand the principles their sons or daughters are learningPlease listen, at your convenience to the 4 Training Sessions and view the Orientation by clicking RECORDINGS.  
  1. Sign up for an ETERNAL WARRIORS  class.  This Program allows you to apply the same principles and tools your Warrior is learning and striving to apply in SOH and Daughters of Light DOL. You too will learn the language used in their groups and the tools they are using to fight their battles. This class improves your communication and “relate-ability” with your loved one and will help you understand the determination and courage your loved one will exhibit as they fight - and win.  What better way to support your loved one than by showing you value what they are learning and want to fight too. Take this Self Mastery class and notice how your confidence and strength increases and how it enhances your whole family’s ability to win their battles. Group, One on One and Family class options. Go here to register for an EW class. 
  1. Attend Weekly MOTHERS WHO KNOW training held online every Tuesday at 9am and 10:30am MT. We specialize in supporting mothers who have children in need of therapeutic intervention.  Our 9am training is for ALL mothers who wish to stand strong in the opposition of our day. Everyone is welcome!  There is no need to be involved in our programs. You will gain increased insight into the power, confidence and success which comes when we have a greater understanding of the tactics and motives of our adversary to thwart our efforts to be great parents. Our 10:30am training is for “Warrior” mothers supporting a Son or Daughter in an LCS Program Be trained in how to “Stay by the Tree” and determine to be a Warrior’s parent in a vital support role.  There is victory for all through our Savior. FREE. Visit the Mothers Who Know Website for more info on how to join the weekly webinar 
  1. Listen to Mothers Who Know RECORDINGS. There are over 200 Recordings on the Mothers Who Know (MWK) website. We recommend Dads and Moms both listen to the Recordings by Maurice Harker and Mindy Lundgreen if you are supporting someone in SofH or DOL. 
  1. Mothers Who Know on Facebook: You’ll find valuable information, resources, healing, inspiration and more. We welcome your participation! We have both an open and private page. To request permission to access the private FB group, please email Mothers Who Know.  
  1. Attend Monthly FATHERS WHO FIGHT training held online the first Thursday of each month 7:30-8:30pm MT. Come join our FREE monthly meeting.  Learn principles and tools for arming yourself and protecting your family.  ALL Fathers are invited to attend.  You do NOT need to have a son/daughter in an LCS program to attend—just a desire to learn to fight for your family! Learn with fellow warriors to train, teach, protect and defend your children from the enemy who seeks to destroy their freedom. See details to join the meetings here. 
  1. Personal Warrior Training: We have learned Warriors need more one-on-one training in addition to group support for motivation with their daily drills we call MAN PWR. Each Warrior will be provided with a Personal Warrior Trainer (PWT) when they enroll in Sons of Helaman.  The PWT is a hand-picked and carefully trained coach who works one-on-one with the Warrior, much like a personal trainer does in a gym. The PWT meets monthly with the Warrior (or more as needed) to set and refine MAN PWR goals, make suggestions and provide motivation. This takes much of the weight off the parents for providing the Warrior with motivation and makes it possible to maintain the position of cheerleader instead of high pressure coach.  We have found this to be the most effective role of parents. If your Warrior has not been assigned a PWT, please email the PWT Coordinators: 
  1. Read the Book: “Like Dragons Did They Fight,” by Maurice W. Harker-LPC  to learn the principles which lead to success. Your loved one will be taught to live these principles in their groups. It will be very helpful to the individual in treatment for you to know these principles as you support them. Please make sure you review the “Parents Appendix” at the back of the book. Order your hard copy or request a free e-copy here. 
  1. Attend the GENERAL’S PANEL - PARENT SUPPORT PROGRAM held the 3rd  Thursday of each month at 7:30pm MT in an online interactive format. This meeting is mainly for parents who have sons in the SOH program, but all are welcome. An SOH clinician directs each meeting but the Generals (young men who have graduated from SOH) are the highlight! You will gain insight from parents in your situation who have boys in various stages of the program. Meet and be taught by the amazing young men who have graduated from the program and learn from one of our Clinicians. (Use this link to join the meeting, from PC, Mac, iOS or Android: ) 
  1. We have a Parent Advocate to help. Sometimes your family and relationship dynamics are not the way you had hoped or your child may have a maladaptive diagnosis which makes communication challenging. Our advocate is available for intervention or crisis situations and can facilitate conversations to improve communications. She also offers a wonderful parenting class.  Please email our front office.  
  1. Elite Mission Training The “eMTC.” No mission training out there is more beneficial and powerful. Open to all…It is intense, purposeful and motivating! Held every Thursday at 7:30pm MT in an online interactive format. Designed to help young men and young women ages 16 to 26 maintain a higher level of success when fighting to be prepared for and worthy to serve missions, or to keep the fire burning after the mission. Free to all. (Use this link to join the meeting, from PC, Mac, iOS or Android: 
  1. Please share our Mens/Womens Programs with loved ones or friends who may need these valuable and helpful services provided through Life Changing Services.  WORTH Clinician run group for Women in Betrayal TraumaMEN OF MORONI Mentor or Clinician Led Group for Men’s addiction recovery. 
  1. Listen to the new Podcasts on our Like Dragons Did They Fight Audio Series.  There are several inspiring interviews from people in the various programs offered at Life Changing Services.  Hear their stories and advice to others, get uplifted and receive you own personal inspiration from listening to others who have walked your same path.  We recommend Dads, Moms, and even sons/daughters all listen to these recordings. 
  1. RESOURCES for Protecting and Empowering Parents, Individuals & Families: For Websites, Internet Safety, Books, Videos/Audios, Articles, LCS tools go here. 
  1. Parent Support Specialist:   Make an appointment for support.  Karen Broadhead, founder of Mothers Who Know, will be a caring sound board for any concerns you have personally or have for a family member in addiction, pain or confusion.  Book her online here. No cost.  
  1. Use a Man/Girl Power Calendar with your loved one in a Sons of Helaman, Daughters of Light, Men of Moroni or Eternal Warriors Program: Fighting side-by-side in your battles can make a huge difference for your loved one. We all have battles of self-mastery or addiction in some area.  Using this calendar and goal setting strategy for winning our battles is powerful!  See Instructions and copy of Man/GiRL Calendars hereListen to Maurice Harker talking about the importance of parents doing a PWR calendar with their children here.  *Daughters of Light Groups use a PoWeR of LiGhT Calendar.    
  1. FAQ’s Video clips of over 20 answers given to Mothers in “Warrior Mothers Who Know weekly training webinars.  One of your questions may be answered here as well.  We hope this information is helpful to you and your family. 
  1. Watch Videos on the Life Changing Services YouTube channel.  Specifically, we recommend the “Breaking the Chains” series. 
BREAKING THE CHAINS Videos: (broken into sections for your convenience in listening.)